Средство за чистење на клима кое е специјално пенасто средство за постигнување на оптимална чистина и ефикасност со отстранување на бактерии и микроорганизми од клима уредот и тоа без негово разглобување. По чистењето, овој производ остава пријатен и свеж мирис. Придржувајте се на спецификациите на производителот на клима уредот, а кои се наведени во упатствата за користење на моторните возила, како што се : MERCEDES BENZ, FORD, BMW, OPEL и VW. Адаптерот исто така е вклучен во овој пакет, каталошки бр. 4088.

За чистење и дезинфекција на клима системи и уреди.

Кат бр : 2870

Употребa : Packed in portions:
One pack will treat one vehicle or one air conditioning system. If the manufacturer of the air conditioning system provides a cleaning service recommendation, this recommendation must be observed. If no model-specific instructions are available from the passenger car manufacturer, follow the LIQUI MOLY recommendation for application. Spray the cleaning fluid directly on the surface of the evaporator (if possible) for commercial vehicle, bus and home A/C systems. LIQUI MOLY recommended use: Make sure the window is open during the cleaning process. Avoid inhaling the vapors during cleaning. Check to make sure that the condensation water drainage openings are not blocked Dry the surface of the evaporator for 10 minutes with the engine running using the following heater and blower settings: Switch off the air conditioning unit and set to air circulation. Set the air distribution switch to footwell. Turn the temperature regulator and blower selector to maximum. Cleaning the air conditioning system: Insert the probe of the cleaner toward the evaporator (center of the vehicle) (see vehicle-specific instructions at www.liqui-moly.biz). Actuate the cleaner and move the spray probe carefully back and forth to flush out and clean the evaporator thoroughly. Allow 15 – 20 minutes for the cleaning fluid to take effect. Dry the surface of the evaporator for 10 minutes with the heater and blower at the same setting as prior to cleaning. Replace the dust and pollen filter. Note: Any cleaner which is spilled must be wiped up using a damp cloth and water.

Пакувањe : 250 ml


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